• Poland these days

    It sounds like Poland is much like many other countries these days: their self-interested “leaders” complain about having to follow rules not steal money from people, be honest, etc., while their constituents want to coexist with others and get on with life.

    I hope the EU slaps Poland’s leaders in the face with an iron gauntlet. Shut up and sit down, you nationalistic, fascist fucks.

  • I think it's well past time to start shaming people for making their motor vehicles louder than necessary.

    I don’t think we need to go into the reasons why people do that in the first place.

    But if we were to do so it would include things like not feeling masculine enough, not getting enough love from your dad, not getting enough pussy, resenting your boss but not feeling brave enough to quit your job….

  • Brilliant, provocative, and crucial to our SURVIVAL, People! This is an official teaser for Abby Martin’s new film, Earth’s Greatest Enemy.

  • I am vastly underutilized in this society or civilization.

  • I just had a mini-break-through, I think. :-)

    This might be premature to say, however!!!!! Just sayin’!!! I’ve only just now had this idea, but I wanted to write it down anyway.

    So, I’ve been heavily involved in thinking about habits and human behavior for most of my adult life. The gist of it is, this new idea of mine is when I think of something, either DO IT or DETERMINE when I am COMMITTED to doing it. For me, right now, this seems to be the/a missing piece in my puzzle.

    It’s sort of like the rate of generation of thoughts exceeds the ability of the person to process the thoughts; I’m thinking more than I can handle right now. So I become overwhelmed. I have to off-load some of this somehow. But I don’t want to lose the stuff that I’m thinking about!!! I don’t want to let it go to waste! Of course, I tell myself, if I’ve thought this thought once already then I’m certainly capable of thinking it again. But will I???? Will I ever think that thought again?? What if I missed it forever??? :-) So that’s part of how I think. I wonder how many other people think like that. It seems to be associated, in my experience, with ADHD/ADD diagnoses. A book, “Fast Minds”, was recommended to me by my former psychiatrist, Dr. Deborah Pacheco, and it made a lot of sense. Of course, I don’t think I finished the book. :-D I moved on to something else, and it sat on my nightstand forever.

    But anyway! I felt like that thought was important for me to focus on today, about dealing with thoughts, actionable thoughts, at the moment instead of letting them rattle around inside my brain forever.

  • Listen to Gangsta (Cut Chemist remix), by tUnE-yArDs

    Listen to Gangsta (Cut Chemist remix), by tUnE-yArDs

  • P.S. I meant hourback.micro.blog

  • My next mission is figuring out how to transfer/migrate/whatever/link www.hourback.info with htttps://hourback.micro.blog. :-) I’m sure that will be interesting.

  • This is my first Micro.blog post! I’m so happy about this! :-)

    I just discovered IndieWeb and Micro.blog recently and was immediately attracted to them and their mission. I’m looking forward to exploring this new (to me) ecosystem and see what I can do with it.

    Thank you, Micro.blog-people! :-) <3 You’re doing great work.


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